Heine Thorhauge Mathiasen – "This Place is really happening"
16. November 2013
Vienna, 11/12/13 A ████ ████ in a ███. ████ slowly. ███████ without █████. ███. No █████. ███ description, bad █████. An █████ to ███ the figure. No ████████. No ██████. No ██. I ████ not ██ ███ in several ████. █ am ███ to get ██ own ██. A ███ of ██ own. ███ would always ██ a ██ of █████ in the ██ ready to ██ ██ the ████. ███ the ██████ stain of ████ █ the ███ would be ██ my own █████. Then ████ █ could ██ of ██ never ██████ █████ of ███ a good █████ when ████ of with ██ piss the █████ ██ ███ of █████ ██. ██ ██ in “████ ████” by ██████ ████; 'the ██ █ front of the ███ ███ ████...'. Using ██ ████ of █ ████ as █ sign, a █████. ██████. Cheap █████, ██ █ course, now ██████ ██ taking up ██ much ████ pointing to ██ ██████ connected with ████ the ████. All the best, |